¼®»ç°úÁ¤ À̹ÎÈ£°¡ Á¹¾÷³í¹®À» Applied Physics Letters¿¡ ÃâÆÇÇÏ¿´½À´Ï´Ù.
Á¦¸ñ: Thermoelectric properties of SrTiO3 nano-particles dispersed indium
selenide bulk composites
ÃÊ·Ï: We investigated the thermoelectric properties of the InSe, InSe/In4Se3 composite, and SrTiO3
(STO) nano-particles dispersed InSe/In4Se3 bulk composites. The electrical conductivity of the
InSe/In4Se3 composite with self-assembled phase separation is significantly increased compared
with those of InSe and In4Se3–d implying the enhancement of surface conductivity between grain
boundaries. The thermal conductivity of InSe/In4Se3 composite is decreased compared to those of
InSe. When the STO nano-particle dispersion was employed in the InSe/In4Se3 composite, a
coherent interface was observed between nano-particle precipitates and the InSe bulk matrix with a
reduction of the thermal conductivity
URL: http://link.aip.org/link/?APL/102/223901&aemail=author